Party: Aastavahetuspidu Black & Gold
Main page > Vabank Klubi > Aastavahetuspidu Black & Gold
Upcoming: 88
Date: 31.12.2014 00:00
Address: Harju 13, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Klubi Vabank esitleb:
Black & Gold
Pidu kolmes saalis!
Õhtu peaesineja on kolmest kaunist viiuldajast koosnev trio VIOLINA, kes astub üles kaasahaaravas live-esituses elektriviiulitega!
Peasaalis DJ NOVA ja klubi alati kaunid priimabaleriinid.
VIP-ruumis klubi resident DJ Margus Kaukes ja CJS Entertainment andekad go-go tantsijad.
Uksed 00.00
Pilet Piletilevi eelmüügist 20€
Pilet kohapeal 25€
Vabank Private Members Club liikmetele sissepääs tasuta
Laua või voodi broneeringuga kaasneb 5 tasuta piletit. Lisainfo ja broneerimine [email protected] või +372 6609900.
Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat
Dresscode: must & kuldne
Klubi Vabank on Tallinnas tegutsenud aastast 2010, Tartus avas klubi Vabank uksed 2013. aasta aprillis. Tegemist on esimese ja ainsa klubiga Eestis, mis tegutseb sama nime ja sarnase ilmega kahes Eesti suurimas linnas.
Club Vabank presents:
New Years Eve party Black & Gold
December 31st
On this magical evening, three black & gold rooms welcome you to celebrate the changing of the year!
The headliner, VIOLINA, is an amazing trio of three beautiful and talented violinist who will give an engaging live on electric-violins!
In the main room, DJ NOVA accompanied with the club’s ballerinas, will be playing worldwide known popular dance music, and in the VIP-rooms you will find club Vabank’s resident DJ MARGUS KAUKES and CJS Entertainment go-go dancers.
Doors open 00:00
Presale ticket 20€
Tickets on the door 25€
Free entrance for Vabank Private Members Club members
We recommend booking a table or a bed with 5 free tickets. Additional information and bookings [email protected] or +372 6609900.
Age limit 21
Dresscode: Black & Gold
On Friday and Saturday evenings, club Vabank is the vault of Your best parties. We enjoy surprising You with either our gorgeous prima ballerinas on the dance floor or acrobats performing mind-blowing stunts up in the air. Located next to the Freedom Square, the former bank building carries a historic vibe, now with an exclusive, modern touch. Two-storied club Vabank welcomes You to it's fresh cocktail-bar among six other bars. In addition to the main room, You can enjoy Your sparkling champagne at the R'n'B flavored Moët VIP room, and the newest VIP room that plays the best disco music tunes.
Club Vabank opened it's doors in the second biggest city in Estonia, Tartu, in the beginning of 2013, being the only nightclub in Estonia existing under the same name and interior solutions in two Estonian cities simultaneously.
NB! The club has banned photography and filming / The club reserves the right to select clientele
Invited: Stefano Grace, Mihail Burõhh, Marko Karotam, Atko Januson, Laura Liisa, Birgit Potter, Signe Kaasik, Mairold Millert, Merle Randver, Maili Mahlapuu, Rene Faoro, Krista Kalbin, Alexndra Jokinen, Andrius Videnski, Kadri Ugand, Joosep Raudsik, Karmen-Kadri Baum, Liisi Ivanova, Alar Kuzmin, Alver Pupart, Kristina Sõmerik, Mihkel Lubi, Susan Luitsalu-Miil, Tanel Soobik, Olya Lokit, Marek Miil, Lauri Pihlap, Marko Kivirand, Martin Franke von Zweigbergk, Anton Jolkin, Mariell Vikkisk, Jürgen Sild, Liis Brit Pertelson, Allan Tull, Sofia Rubina-Hunter, Christina Karjalainen, Martin Remmel, Madis Ojaliiv, Kevin Press, Aleksandr Popov, Silja Tamm, Tairi Tonkson, Kristin Otsalt, Maido Möls, Iiris Siimann, Marge R. Tava, Evely Ventsli, Heiti Riisberg, Marko Mista, Kirki Kubri, Erik Mällo, Getter Raidam, Karin Juhani, Gunnar Viese, Marko Uuk, Martin Arva, Alexander Korenevski, Iris Tomson, Carmen Ceka, Heti Tulve, Katrin Pihela, Randel Uibo, Diana Haapsal, Gerli Murakas, Regiina Jõhvikas, Riin Alamets, Risto Hansen, Siiri Sark, Ave Uusleer, Tanel Tatter, Kersti Tobi, Kira Fisher, Jana Pulk, Carsten Schulz, Urmas Kahar, Harry Lahtein, Kadri Jogi, Kärt Mansberg, Tõnis Kraav, Paolo Vincenti, Merit Arva, Liis Härma, Kristjan Kotkas, Mikk Umbleja, Triin Teresk, Ardo Kaljuvee, Leen Kadakas, Janno Sooäär, Riin Urbanik, Andrus Emerson, Sirle Sagur, Dea Martinjonis, David Heir, Indrek Soom, Andrus Lang, Marge Kriis, Kaidi Laur, Delmar Koks, Paul Liivoja, Martti Siimann show more »