Party: Guro Rob Doley Seminar

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Guro Rob Doley Seminar

Club: Bushido Kai

Upcoming: 10
Date: 15.07.2017 10:00
Address: 6310 Hood Street , Halifax, Canada | show on the map »

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Party: Guro Rob Doley Seminar

Happy to announce my instructor Guro/Kru/Sifu Rob Doley will be down again for another great seminar. Guro Rob is one of the highest ranking Jun Fan Gung-Fu / Jeet Kune Do instructors in Atlantic Canada as well as a certified Muay Thai trainer. He has coached many local fighters as well as being our senior JKD and Muay Thai advisor for years.

This seminar is great for all levels and those in our Kickboxing program who someday would like to test for their Muay Thai levels must attend these seminar in order to be considered for grading.

Training will be 10am to 12 for JKD then 12 to 2 for Kickboxing (covering both Muay Thai and Jun Fan kickboxing)

cost is $30 for part or $40 for both. Pay day of seminar cash only.
