Party: "RODIGAN - A REGGAE LIFE" WORLD PREMIERE of the documentary film followed by a Q & A with David Rodigan

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Club: YAAM Berlin

Upcoming: 129
Date: 27.12.2014 21:00
Address: An der Schillingbrücke/ Stralauer Platz, Berlin, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: "RODIGAN - A REGGAE LIFE" WORLD PREMIERE of the documentary film followed by a Q & A with David Rodigan

The WORLD PREMIERE of David 'Ram Jam' Rodigans documentary movie "RODIGAN - A REGGAE LIFE" followed by a Q and A with David Rodigan himself!!!

+ A Big Afterparty with Rodigan on the mic and the decks
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Die Weltpremiere des Dokumentarfilms "RODIGAN - A REGGAE LIFE" mit Frage & Antwort an David Rodigan im Anschluss !!!

+ A Big Afterparty with Rodigan on the mic and the decks
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Invited: Thomas Atkin, Romana Cottee, Lisa Ipoint, Chika Choose, Reya SunshIne, Diane Vincy, Emilia Tolvanen, Christoph Linder, Jannette Schädel, Natasha McLaren, Jascha Kwame Achampong, Def Deffnittly, Ulrich von Scheel, Ashraf Faroug, Candy Zuckerschock, Volkan Aykac, Annix Lim, Eazy Tosh, Nora Müller, Lorena Richter, Stephanie Steger show more »
