Party: Welcome *NEW* Southend East 15-ers Open Mic Night

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Welcome *NEW* Southend East 15-ers Open Mic Night

Club: University of Essex Students' Union Southend

Upcoming: 0
Date: 25.09.2017 19:30
Address: 6 Elmer Approach,, Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Welcome *NEW* Southend East 15-ers Open Mic Night

Some of our 3rd year East 15-ers are coming together, with us, to host an 'Open Mic' Night in The SU Lounge, especially for all the East 15 new arrivals, who are registering and getting started this week!

We'll dim the lights, set up a small stage, bring the PA and equipment in and have a bar open all night! If you are an existing East 15-er and you want to perform, get in touch. If you are a new arriver and you'd love to get up there and show us what you do, YES, YES, YES, get in touch also.

This will be a brilliant East15/UoE Mixer, and a fantastic opportunity for 1st yrs to meet 2nd & 3rd years, and any other East15-ers who are back in Southend ready to get started! All Uni of Essex/East 15 students are welcome ofcourse though, EBS, HSC, CPS, come and join us!
