Party: FACE X Public Works Present: DJ HARVEY

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Party: FACE X Public Works Present: DJ HARVEY

Face & Public Works bringin it back with

+ Eug

Main Room
Funktion One Sound

Discount Presales are only $12 while they last and then will increase shortly..

DJ Harvey is absolutely his own man, he is a near mythical character, who's fans and followers refer to themselves as his cult members, or studymasters. Harvey's musical style cannot simply be filed as eclectic or retrospective, he plays whatever he feels, as he feels it, but always for the crowd. Best put by Harvey himself "You can't understand the blues until you've had your heart broken and you can't understand my music till you've had group sex on ecstasy" He is an analogue loving DJ that utilizes reel to reel and effects all conjured live while not being afraid to utilize new technology in the mix too. He is respected and in demand the world over to supply the sounds for a vast array of Clubs, Festivals, Fashion Shows, TV shows, and Private Events.
Arguably the 'last DJ' amongst and in a modern climate of DJ's that play only digital files and turn up moments before their sets, often from other parties in the same night. Harvey will only ever play one party a night arriving early to settle in, tweak the sound and take his crowd on a journey he inspires but they partake in and influence the ride along the way. Harvey seeks out tracks old and new, edits some for his own purposes that become his cult classics, all DJ's have access to the same releases each week but are always asking him where he buys his music. He never releases these exclusive edits preferring to play them to an ever appreciative crowd.
2013 will see Harvey be a headline DJ at the Coachella music festival in California as well as curating tents at other festivals around the world including London's 'Lovebox' for his new traveling party 'Harvey's Discotheque' He will once again tour some of the worlds best clubs including Berghain in Berlin (after which he named his acclaimed Locussolus release) Space in Ibiza, Trouw in Amsterdam and Bla in Oslo. Harvey scored a surf movie soundtrack for legendary California long boarder Joel Tudor which will release in the fall on SmallTown SuperSound Recordings as well as more releases from his Locussolus project.

Invited: Clayton Kenney, Ryan Tucker, Lacey Patterson, Hilary Rose Haber, Kevin Meenan, Danil Koudlo, Dara Dowlatshahi, Ja Huh, J. Peter Siriprakorn, Frankie Burton, Blaire Brown, Jordan Brower, Kateri McLucas, Matt Bayley, Paula Gonzalez, Jonathan Lyn-Shue, Adam Rachman, Evan Price, Madison Wilson, Jess Montejano, Eli Glad show more »
