Party: Switch SA ::: Friday The 13th (Fringe Event)...Tonight - get ur freak on!!!

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Party: Switch SA ::: Friday The 13th (Fringe Event)...Tonight - get ur freak on!!!

SWITCH SA is the only club night of kink - play - bdsm - mischief and general mayhem along with dance...
an event 4 those in radelaide with an open mind and whom love to dress up and get seen in action!
Tonight SWITCH celebrates its 2nd birthday at Mars Bar - its 11th year of such events (inc SA Sleaze Ball!) and indeed the opening of the Fringe Festival of which we are proud to be apart of...
and on this night we plan 4 shows 9; 10 ; 11 and 12 to show wot our lifestyle can be about...and in between and afta we will have our own open floor 4 play and dance - in true SWITCH fashion a night full of good times!
Tix on sale thru Fringe tix or pay a bit more on the door...
come one cum all...!!!


Invited: Damian Slater, Reannon McCann, Sarah Starsky, Where's Wallis, Kylie Hagan, Megan Rachel, Cassie Kirvan, Renee Magor, India Mayne, Tegan Solly, Helena Young, Marcel Fernandez, Dina Saur, Felicity Ambler, De-Anne Gilbert, Jessica Wilms, Michael Gootz, Anita Karamanlis, Elena Natasha Basile, James Moore, Kellie Louise Kilworth show more »
