Party: Weihnachten in Familie & Null Forge's Bday - 09.12.17 - Sky Club
Main page > SKY CLUB - Leipzig > Weihnachten in Familie & Null Forge's Bday - 09.12.17 - Sky Club
Upcoming: 8
Date: 09.12.2017 23:00
Address: Riesaer Straße 56, Leipzig, Germany | show on the map »
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SA. 09.12.2017
Weihnachten in Familie & Null Forge's Bday
09.12.2017, Sky Club Leipzig
Special guests:
Sven U.K.
Cannibal Cooking Club live!
Nullnummer aka Null Forge vs. Carsten Rechenberger live!
Dumme Jungs aka Hell Yes
Start: 23:00
Sven U.K. [kriemhilds nachtkuss, club palais, erfurt]
Tom B. [sky club, dusted decks]
Thomas Ackermann [sky club, beatbrothers]
SINO SUN [sky club, beatbrothers]
PIP [goulash music]
Thomas Knoll [sky club, beatbrothers]
Tim Blume [sky club, beatbrothers]
Cannibal Cooking Club live! [miditonal, chan'n'mikes, plauen, jena]
Nullnummer aka Null Forge vs. Carsten Rechenberger live! [tonal, miditonal, dusted decks]
Petra Struwe & Stephan Strube [rage&error, dusted decks]
Nogge *live* vs. Borderline (Strezzkidz Tribehouseeffect) live! [strezzkidz]
FabrixXx & p.slang live! [black ego]
Percy live! [mafia & crime, strezzkidz, wolfsburg]
Lydia M. aka. Lydia Malke [sky club, beatbrothers]
Mavett aka. Marco Vetters [sky club, beatbrothers]
Dumme Jungs aka Hell Yes [doorn records, smash the house, berlin]
BLVCK N YELLOW [fcksht squad]
Queen of Vandalism [sky club, beatbrothers]
Vortex [GER] [gate2, dusted decks]
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