Party: Torquay Tennis Club try tennis open session

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Torquay Tennis Club try tennis open session

Club: Royal Torbay Yacht Club

Upcoming: 6
Date: 17.09.2017 14:00
Address: 12 Beacon Terrace, Torquay, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Torquay Tennis Club try tennis open session

Torquay Tennis Club Fun Day
Sunday 17th September

TCC Invites all RTYC members to a try tennis day at the Torquay Tennis Club

Starts from 14:00 till late, Quality BBQ and bar available

Invitation to come and meet the tennis players of the TTC
The courts will be open for all to have a go
Rackets and balls provided, all you need is suitable footwear.

Families, juniors, senior, experienced, first timers all welcome

Coaches and experienced players will be on court to help out if required

Application for winter membership will be available to all RTYC members on the day, winter membership from 1st October to 31st March as part of the affiliation deal between our two great clubs.

For more information contact Steve Maslen
