Party: Reflex "Rock The Boat" Weekend

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Club: ReflexClub

Upcoming: 72
Date: 14.11.2014 22:00
Address: Boskant 18, Westerlo, Belgium | show on the map »

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Party: Reflex "Rock The Boat" Weekend

on Friday 14th & Saturday 15th of November Reflex Rocks the boat ;-)

With RedBull Boats (Bottle + RedBulls) at only 50 euro (normal 70)
Special Effects
Great Atmosphere
Resident Deejays

Extra's in 2nd Room at Reflex (aka The Club)

Every Friday : Hause Klub
Every Saturday : Urban Dreams - Reflexclub

Reflex, More than a quarter century of fun!

Invited: Elke Elisa, Johnny Bartelds, Laura De Melio, Nathalie Sitko, Benson Proost, Mireille Colson, Hannes De Vos, Kelly Crauwels, Larissa Fritz, Pieter Van Gestel, Kim Fannoy, Tineke Lemmens, Frans Grauwels, Chloé Raymakers, Julie Berggreen, Santana Vervecken, Nicky Proost, Houssi Krim, Nathalie Vanzeer, Katrien Cools, Christophe Borghgraef show more »
