Party: Mojo Six Year6 Anniversary Party - with SUIE PAPARUDE
Main page > Mojo > Mojo Six Year6 Anniversary Party - with SUIE PAPARUDE
Upcoming: 10
Date: 07.11.2015 22:00
Address: Gabroveni, nr.14, Bucharest, Romania | show on the map »
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Pe 7 e party de 6!
Jack Daniel's iti propune o seara memorabila pe data de 7 Noiembrie, sarbatorind cei 6 ani de activitate ai clubului Mojo. Si cum cele mai fericite momente le traiesti alaturi de prieteni, Jack Daniel's te rasfata cu cele mai bune cocktailuri din oras.
Pe Mojo Club nu ai cum sa nu-l stii. L-ai cunoscut, insa, probabil nu-ti mai aduci aminte. :)). Este cel mai bun bar de Karaoke din centrul vechi si locul unde gasesti cea mai buna muzica Live in fiecare seara de weekend. De asemeni este locul unde unele dintre cele mai interesante si frumoase trupe din industria muzicala romaneasca si-au facut debutul. Cunoscut ca fiind unul dintre cele mai populare locuri pentru Expati, Mojo Club a devenit repede o alegere cel putin interesanta in viata de noapte a sufletelor petrecarete. Si cum este suflet in fiecare aparat, sufletul acestei petreceri va fi formatia SUIE PAPARUDE. Despre formatia Suie Paparude toti stim, si daca nu ii stii sigur le-ai auzit muzica. Va fi o petrecere interesanta, presarata cu multe surpize si muzica buna.
Mojo Club este situat pe strada Gabroveni nr 14, in inima centrului vechi, vizavi de Hanul Gabroveni.
Pret bilet: 20 RON
Rezervari la 0760263496
Jack Daniel's offers you a memorable evening on November 7, celebrating 6 years of Mojo Club . And as the happiest moments in your life you live them with your true friends, Jack Daniel's will spoil you with the best cocktails in town.
Mojo Club is the best karaoke bar Bucharest and the right place where you can find the best live music every weekend night . Also it is where some of the most interesting and beautiful bands from Romanian music industry made their debut . Known as one of the most popular places for expats, Mojo Club quickly became a choice, at least interesting, for nightlife party souls . And because in every one of us is a "party soul" the music for this party is assured by SUIE PAPARUDE . Suie Paparude is a well known band in Romania, and if you don't know them, for sure you have heard their music. It will be an interesting party, filled with many surprises and good music .
Mojo Club is located on Gabroveni No 14 , in the heart of the old town opposite to Gabroveni Inn.
Ticket Fee: 20 RON
Book your tables at 0760263496