Party: 30. Wallys- Super- Cup: Cuxhaven BasCats gegen US- All- stars

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30. Wallys- Super- Cup: Cuxhaven BasCats gegen US- All- stars

Club: Cuxhaven BasCats

Upcoming: 163
Date: 29.12.2014 19:30
Address: Mozartstr.24, Cuxhaven, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: 30. Wallys- Super- Cup: Cuxhaven BasCats gegen US- All- stars

Invited: Jeramie Woods, Bom Tareesuth, Josh Jimmer Ober, Vera Serrao Fangueiro, Richard Froehlich, Dia Mant, Rike Neumann, Ana Klanac Hadzija, Kathrin Schäfer, Murat Dere, Ole Himmel, Frollein Sarah, Nina Lohmann, Samuel Khelifi, Jenny von Ahnen, Anthony Ray Woodson Jr., Tatjana Kir, Arne Eckhof, Mathis Jährling, Ramona Schulz, Jeffrey Martin show more »
