Party: NYE DINNER / Club Hollywood / 31.12

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Party: NYE DINNER / Club Hollywood / 31.12

NYE DINNER @ Club Hollywood

2017 aastale paneb Club Hollywood piduliku punkti meie uusima üritustesarjaga DINNER.

Sel ööl rullime lahti punase vaiba, süütame tuled laelühtril ja ulatame oma kallitele külalistele pokaali kihisevat. Katame lavale piduliku õhtusöögilaua, kus on kohad sisse võtnud DJd Andres Puusepp ja Kert Klaus koos säravate hostessidega!

Sel õhtul menüüs:

Pikantne muusikavalik seltskonnale, kõrvale klaasike kihisevat

Jäädvustused punasel vaibal, ülev meeleolu ja kaunid külalised.

Glasuuritud pidulikkus, kallistused ja magus algus uuele aastale!

DJ Kert Klaus
DJ Andres Puusepp

FB GOING kuni 00:00 sissepääs TASUTA!
FB GOING 00:00-01:00 10€
Pilet 12€
VIP pilet 20€ (Tagab pääsu klubi teisel korrusel asuvale VIP alale, kus külalistele eraldi baar, tualetid ning suitsetamise ala, VIP alalt avaneb parim vaade lavale ning tantsupõrandale. )



NYE DINNER @ Club Hollywood

Club Hollywood ends the year with our newest event series DINNER!
We roll out the red carpet, turn on the lights on the chandeliers and hand our guests a glass of bubbly.
On stage that night, beautiful hosts and DJ’s are waiting behind the DINNER table to offer you the best start to 2018

With our new event series “Dinner” we would like to serve you an unconventional five course meal…

- Red carpet VIBES with a gin tonic crisp

- Caramelized HOUSE MUSIC with a splash of lime juice

- Our beautiful GUESTS together with a glass of bubbly

Main Course
- Ney Years eve celebrations with a mix of profuse emotions as a side

- 2017 MEMORIES sorbet with frozen berries and satisfaction

All that with a matching drink selection from our main sponsors Tanqueray, Captain Morgan, Smirnoff and Zonin - Something for everybody

Are you ready for this taste journey to 2018?

DJ Kert Klaus
DJ Andres Puusepp

With FB GOING free entrance until midnight!
00:00-01:00 FB GOING 10€
Regular ticket 12€
VIP ticket 20€ (Gives entrance to our VIP area on the second floor of the club. Our VIP guests can use the separate bar, toilets and smoking area. VIP balcony has the best view to the stage and dance floor )

Special event*


Tähista aastavahetust nagu Hollywoodi staar - broneeri laud ning saad unustamatu Smirnoff VIP elamuse! Paketi hind on sel õhtul 350€ ning see sisaldab kuni 10 VIP piletit ja 1 liitrit kanget alkoholi koos pikendajatega. Lisaks pudel vahuveini. Ettemaksuta broneeringut hoitakse kuni 01:00


Celebrate NYE like in Hollywood- book a VIP package for 350€. Package includes up to 10 VIP tickets and 1 liter of strong alcohol with chasers and 1 sparkling wine. Bookings, that are not pre-paid will be held until 1 o'clock.

