Party: In:Motion x Sip The Juice presents Pharoahe Monch - TONIGHT

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Party: In:Motion x Sip The Juice presents Pharoahe Monch - TONIGHT


Pharoahe Monch
R.A The Rugged Man
+ Locksmith, Eamon & A.F.R.O
Blak Twang
Sip The Juice DJs

Limited capacity show at The Marble Factory

By teaming up with Hip-Hop aficionado's Sip The Juice, we are very pleased to announce that Pharoahe Monch will be joining us for an intimate midweek show at The Marble Factory.

At the forefront of lyrical innovation for over two decades, Pharoahe Monch is hugely respected for his capability of blending his intricate rhyme schemes and intelligent rap with incisive political and social commentary.

With support from the hugely controversial and influential R.A The Rugged Man and Blak Twang, this show isn't one to miss.

Tickets: £8 / £10 / £12

Invited: Maria Stanford, Siôn Williams, Jesse Dyer, Sophie Bright, Colin Macy, Andreas Friberg, Joe Wigzell, Pete Mathias , Hasan Kamil, Adam Banting, Zara Alexandra Kwok, Scott Robinson, Judy Conti, Ellie Stokes, Maria Dimitriadou, Misha Hollard, Oliver Roylance, Daria Zukowska-Wilcocks, Jules Wong, Harvey Styles, Joe Cowen show more »
